White Peafowl may be kept in an aviary system, but prefer a free-range environment. You will want to provide plenty of shrubbery and trees to act as a shelter during the winter months, while also keeping an area open for them to roam.
These birds do well with standard game bird feed but prefer a diet consisting of seeds, grains, plants, insects, berries, and small reptiles. You will also want to provide a supply of fresh water.
The breeding season for White Peafowl begins in March and lasts until about July. Peafowl may begin breeding by the age of 3 and males can be paired with multiple females.
Females nest on the ground, you will want to provide a suitable nesting area in a quiet area of the aviary.
The hens will lay 4-8 eggs per clutch, with incubation lasting about 28 days.
Peachicks are born fully feathered and are able to fly within just a few days. Once the chicks have hatched, they may require some additional attention to make sure they’re adapting to their new environment and eating a proper amount.